Academic Qualifications
Phd. in Private Law, University of Macau
Master of Law, University of Macau
Bachelor of Law, University of Macau
Teaching Area
General Theory of Civil Law
Property Law
Obligation Law
Research Area
General Theory of Civil Law, Contract Law, and Property Law
Roman Law; Legal History; Legal Philosophy;
Land Law; Urban Planning Law; Gaming Law; Social Welfare Law;
Selected Publications
1. Monograph
1. Ai Linzhi, Property law of Macau, in Chinese, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2013/9, ISBN: 9787509744338
2. Journal papers
1. Ai Linzhi, “A discussion on Professor Lin Wei’s Article on Macau’s Legal and Official Documentary Translation”, in Chinese, in Journal of Macau Studies, Macau Foundation, no.33, 2006, p.158-162.
2. Ai linzhi, “Modification of Property Rights under the Consensual Principe: with a Discussion on the Importance of Preliminary Contract ”, in Chinese, in Journal of Macau Studies, Macau Foundation, no.42, 2007, p.5-14.
3. Ai Linzhi, “Responsibility Civil of the Collision between the vehicles”, in Chinese, in Journal of Juridical Science, Faculty of Law of University of Macau, no.6, 2007, p.129-146.
4. Ai Linzhi, “The Comparison of Legal System of Pre-Sale of Real Estate”, in Chinese, in Journal of Macau Studies, Macau Foundation, no.46, 2008, p.8-14.
5. Ai Linzhi, “A discussion on doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence under civil action - focused on Macau’s Civil Procedural”, in Chinese, in Journal of Juridical Science, Faculty of Law of University of Macau, no.9, 2008, p.149-161.
6. Ai Linzhi, “The ontology of act of authorization – and related regulations in Macau’s civil code ”, in Chinese, in Journal of Juridical Science, Faculty of Law of University of Macau, no.14, 2010, p.285-303.
7. Ai Linzhi, “Modern theory of voluntary representation”, in Chinese, in The memorial Journal of Students' union’s 20 anniversary of Faculty of Law in University of Macau, Faculty of Law of University of Macau, 2010, p.91-100.
8. Ai Linzhi, Chan Wai Tan, Inflation and the Principle of Adjustment of Social Security Payments, in Chinese, in Journal of Macau Studies, no.63, Macau Foundation, 2011, p.22-27.
9. Ai Linzhi, “The Basis of Rights of Underground Space – Taking property law in Macau as reference”, in Chinese, in Macau Law Review, no. 4, University of Macau, 2012, p. 35-46.
10. Ai Linzhi, “An Analysis of the Abstraction of the Act of Authorization and the Relationship between the Act of Authorization and the Basic Relationship to Macau’s Civil Code”, in Chinese, in Macau Law Review, no. 6, University of Macau, 2012, p. 25-48.
3. Book chapters
1. Editor: Zhou Lin Bin, Cheong Weng Chon: The comparison of Legal System of Pre-Sale of Real Estate in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, in Chinese, Sun Yat-sen University Press, 2007.
2. Ai Linzhi, “Legal studies on Public Waterways Domain in Macau”, in Chinese, in Emerging Trends in land law reform, Tong Io Cheng (Ed. ), Faculty of Law of University of Macau,2010, p.193-202.
3. Portuguese Civil Code, the fourth and fifth volumes are translated by Ai Linzhi, Peking University Press, 2009, p.274-418.
4. Report
1. The Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau of the Macao, “Amendment of land law and corresponding regulations” research project, project leader: Tong Io Cheng, Research report on project of amendment of Macau’s land law by expert panel, in Chinese, 2009.
2. Office of Law Reform, “Legislate on litigation act and the electronization of Lawsuit documents” research project, project leader: Vong In Fai, Tong Io Cheng, Research report on the electronization of civil litigation process, in Chinese, 2010.
3. Law Reform and International Law Bureau, “Amendment of the system of ownership of stratification” investigate and survey project, project leader: Tong Io Cheng and Chou Kam Chon, Project report on amendment of the system of ownership of stratification, in Chinese, 2011.
4. Labour Affairs Bureau, “Supplementary Course of Real Estate Agent – Developing of Textbooks project”, project leader: Tong Io Cheng and Ai Lin Zhi, Textbooks of Supplementary Course of Real Estate Agent, 2013.
5. Social Welfare Bureau, “Amendment of Decree Law 33/99/M” research project, project leader: Lei Wun Kong and Ai Lin Zhi, Technical analysis report on amendment of Decree Law 33/99/M, 2013
5. Newspaper article
1. Ai Linzhi, “Could the estate management depend solely on the owner’s autonomy”, in Chinese, in Macao Daily, lotus square, on October 19th, 2011.
2. Ai Linzhi, “Estate management regulated by administration gradually”, in Chinese, in Macau daily, lotus square, on October 26th, 2011
3. Ai Linzhi, “Introspection of nonintervention by comparison the experience of Hong Kong and Taiwan”, in Chinese, in Macau daily, lotus square, on November 9th, 2011.
4. Ai Linzhi, The regulations in Civil law on house tenancy are not contradictory”, in Chinese, in 50th issue of Hobbs Journal, December, 2011.
6. Conference proceedings
Ai Linzhi, The basis of the right of underground space – centered around Macau’s Property law, in Chinese, the Third Conference of China Mainland, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong on Property Right System, at Council Chamber of The Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, from 13/05/2011 to 14/05/2011, The Hong Kong University.
Ai Linzhi, System Thinking and the Basis of the Effect of Legal Transaction - In the case of Macau Civil Code, in Chinese, Theory and Methodology of Civil And Commercial Law – the Fourth Session of Civil and Commercial Law of China Mainland and Taiwan, at Law School of Beihang University , Beijing, from 15/11/2014 to 15/11/2014, The Beihang University
Professional Accreditation
Lawyer, Lawyers’ Association of Macau
Awards and Honors